Petition Delivery Action: Governor Hochul, Make Polluters Pay! Sign the Climate Superfund Act!

Start: Tuesday, September 24, 202412:00 PM

End: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 1:00 PM

Location:Governor Hochul's NYC Office633 3rd Avenue , New York, NY 10017 US

Host Contact Info:

Join us for a coalition petition delivery to Governor Hochul to urge her to sign the NY Climate Superfund bill and Make Polluters Pay for climate damages!

We'll be delivering over 50k petitions!

This action is sponsored by and delivering petitions from: 198 Methods,, Action For the Climate Emergency, Avaaz, Center for Biological Diversity, Citizen Action of New York, Climate Hawks, Climate Reality Project, Eko, Food and Water Watch, Fossil Free Media, GreenFaith, New Yorkers for Clean Power, NY Lawyers for the Public Interest, NY Renews, NYPIRG , Rivers & Mountains GreenFaith, Sunrise Movement, Third Act, Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative

During climate week, Governor Hochul should be doing everything she can to advance climate goals and hold polluters and their enablers responsible.

If she wants to be the climate leader she claims to be, she needs to sign this bill ASAP!