Phone Bank Union Members for Labor & the New York Health Act

Start: 2021-11-08 18:30:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

This is a virtual event

Last session, the Healthcare Working Group successfully worked with union members to organize healthcare caucuses and committees within their locals to push their unions to endorse NYHA. In the coming legislative session we want to continue that work, getting New York's unions on board with the New York Health Act will be crucial to passing it. Current union leadership will not support NYHA unless they feel pressure from rank-and-file membership. Now we want to expand that project and help union members organize with their co-workers in support of NYHA and shut down the myths and misinformation surrounding the bill.

To help pass the NYHA, we will be phonebanking union members and letting them know how they can get involved with the fight for NYHA.

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Brooklyn, New York