Picket Shell's HQ - Wednesday 2nd August

Start: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:00 AM

End: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:30 AM

The bosses of Shell are fuelling the climate crisis for the sake of their own short-term profits. We have to hold them to account.

That's why, we'll be picketing their London HQ in Waterloo every week this summer.

We'll be there with placards and flyers: keeping the pressure up on the company, talking to employees, and inviting  them to tip us off with sensitive information.

Join us! Sign up using the form on the right hand side - the more slots you can do, the better.

Don't worry if you're brand new to activism - there'll be lots of other people there who can explain the details. If you need to leave early for work, that's fine too.

Bring friends, family, pets & children. We can't wait to see you there.

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