Postcards For Public Health: Tell the CDC We Want Respirators and Clean Air!

Start: 2023-09-30 08:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2023-09-30 23:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

The CDC continuously downplays the benefits of respirators and clean indoor air technology in medical settings and schools (and everywhere else for that matter). It's up to us to demand clean air to stop the spread of COVID-19 and all other airborne illnesses.

Write a message demanding masks and clean air tech in healthcare and education. Write personal stories, scientific data, examples of clean air tech, how the vaccine-only approach is flawed, pleas to listen, or anything you want that's eye-catching! Use your creativity and PLEASE stay respectful in your messaging.

Send as many postcards as you would like! The more sent the better and these can be anonymous!
Be sure to tag your postcards on social media! #Postcards4PublicHealth

The big send will be on September 30 (but if you can't send that day, up to a few days after is fine). We'll send a reminder email as well.

Please send postcards on September 30 to:

Center for Disease Control
C/O Mandy Cohen
1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329-4027

Feeling moved to send more? Dr. Cohen and her staff are our main focus but feel free to also send some here:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
HICPAC Committee Management
MS – H16-3
1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329-4027

Link to Purchase Blank Postcards

If only 1% of Americans sent a postcard, that would be over 3,000,000 postcards sent! If everyone sent 2 postcards, imagine how much Dr. Cohen would love that!

Examples below:

DoNoHarm BC recently had a successful campaign doing this in Canada. Here is an example from their recent campaign:

This event is accessible
Event by
Paul Hennessy
North Hollywood, Canada