Protest Elon Musk's illegal government takeover
Start: Saturday, March 22, 2025• 2:00 PM
End: Saturday, March 22, 2025• 4:00 PM
Location:Tesla Showroom in Sunnyvale•750 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 US
We are taking action at Tesla. Last week we had our biggest showing yet in front of the Tesla showroom in Sunnyvale but we need to keep
up the pressure! For this event we'll be picketing in front of the
showroom, we won't be taking disruptive action.
Elon Musk and his lackeys are carrying out a vicious administrative coup
against our government that threatens our freedoms, our future, and our
way of life as Americans. Time to speak loudly and publicly: NO MORE!
WHAT: A nonviolent rally outside of the Sunnyvale Tesla showroom. Let's
show the world that Silicon Valley knows who Elon is and we won't
tolerate his threat to democracy! Actions like this one can help to push
down Tesla's stock price and directly reduce Elon's power.
WHERE: Tesla Sunnyvale Sales Office, 750 E. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale
WHEN: Saturday March 22, 2-4 PM PST
This is a nonviolent action. We'll stay on sidewalks and won't obstruct
traffic. We won't enter the business, nor stop people from entering or
exiting the property. No violence or threats against anyone, or
destruction/vandalism of property, will be tolerated. Tesla dealerships
are owned by the company, so we aren't impacting a small business, and
this location is chosen because of its high public visibility.
BRING high-contrast signs with letters at least 8" high or bigger so that passing motorists traveling @40 mph can read them.
Suggested text for signs:
- Don't Buy Tesla
- Stop Elon's Coup
Be creative, but remember that passing motorists won't have time to
more than three words on your sign, maybe six at the very maximum if
gigantic billboard-type sign size. Please also avoid repeating
right-wing frames that bash immigrants. And remember, Tesla owners
are not the focus of this action. We want Tesla owners to feel welcome
in our movement so we can encourage them to move away from the company,
whether that's by trading in their vehicle for an EV from another
manufacturer or forgoing service appointments at Tesla dealerships.
Take the bus, or park across the street at the Safeway shopping plaza at 785 East El Camino. There's a Michael's Crafts in the Safeway plaza if you want to arrive early and purchase sign-making materials. If we have enough attendees, we can expand to the sidewalk on the Safeway side and get even more visibility along El Camino.
⚡ Sell your Teslas, dump your stock, join the picket lines.
⚡ Hurting Tesla is stopping Musk.
⚡ Stopping Musk will help save lives and our democracy.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. No one is coming to save us—not politicians, not the media.
#TeslaTakedown #BoycottTesla