Protest Proposed Closures at Board of Ed Meeting

Start: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 9:00 AM

CPS’ dishonest “choice model” — which sets up a limited number of well-resourced magnet schools, a large number of charter schools and defunds other schools using “Student Based Budgeting” — has destabilized Black & Latino neighborhoods, driven families from Chicago, and left many neighborhood schools struggling to offer students a quality curriculum, starved of even the most basic resources.

CPS proposes to close all four neighborhood high schools in Englewood: Hope High School, Robeson High School, Harper High School, and TEAM Englewood Community Academy High School. To the Mayor, their students just don’t matter enough to have the same rights, access or education as his children or neighbors.

CPS proposes to phase out National Teachers Elementary Academy because they want to give their building to another community.

The unelected School Board voted to co-locate a clout-heavy charter school whose charter operator is linked to scandal-ridden SUPES into Hirsch Metropolitan High School, a move that would destroy Hirsch to start a new privatized school.

Pledge with the form below to stand with these schools that are under attack from Rahm’s handpicked school board. Your presence will build our power. Your voice will be lifted by solidarity.