Public Higher Ed Advocacy Day 2019
Start: Thursday, March 21, 2019•10:00 AM
End: Thursday, March 21, 2019• 2:00 PM

Hundreds of students, educators, and activists from our public colleges and universities will descend on Beacon Hill on March 21st to demand that we #FundOurFuture by passing the Cherish Act and pass the #DebtFreeFuture Act to guarantee access to public higher education for every student and family in Massachusetts.
Are your tuition and fees too high? Do you and your family struggle to afford college? Are you worried about how student debt will affect the future for you and your children?
Are you an adjunct faculty member working for low pay and no health insurance? Are you a staff person who has seen their pay erode? Are you concerned that the yearly budget cuts by the state are hurting the education you can provide your students?
NO LOBBYING EXPERTISE NEEDED. We will train you to advocate effectively using your own stories.
Join the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts, the Boston Teachers Union, the Center for Education Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) at UMass Amherst, Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges, the Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance, Massachusetts Jobs with Justice, the Massachusetts State Universities Council of Presidents, the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), the Public Higher Education Summit Group, the University of Massachusetts system, and PHENOM, the Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts for Advocacy Day 2019.
Thursday, March 21st, 2019 — 10:00 AM to 2:00PM
Massachusetts State House — Great Hall
10:00 AM to 10:45 AM — Registration
10:45 AM to 11:15 AM — Speaking Program
11:15 AM to 11:30 AM — Mock Legislative Meeting
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM — Visit with Your Legislators
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM — Lunch in the Great Hall and Closing Speakers
Please include your address where you are registered to vote. This will help us determine which Senate and House districts our advocates represent.
Lunch and transportation will be provided. Contact PHENOM at to find out the transportation accommodations from your campus.