PUCO: Halt Energy Shutoffs Day of Action

Start: Tuesday, August 13, 2024 8:30 AM

End: Sunday, August 13, 2023 3:00 PM

We're heading to the Columbus headquarters of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to deliver our petition demanding that their winter and summer disconnection orders prohibit shutoffs, instead of just outlining for our utilities how to keep on shutting people's electricity off in the most extreme months of the year.

Meet Communities United For Action (CUFA) in the Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Social Hall at 8:30 AM for coffee & donuts. The bus will leave promptly at 9AM and we will return by 3PM. CUFA will provide box lunches for attendees for our ride back to Cincinnati.

You MUST Register Here with CUFA to be guaranteed a seat on the bus. If you've registered and are unable to make it, call CUFA at (513) 853-3947 to let us know so we can give your seat to someone else.