PUSH for the CCIA
Start: Wednesday, April 07, 2021• 4:00 PM
End: Wednesday, April 07, 2021• 6:00 PM
April 7th is an important date in an important week. Both the state and federal legislature are on recess and back home in their districts. It is time for us to make a loud and powerful splash to tell them that they need to pass the Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA) on a state level and the THRIVE Act on the federal level. New York Renews, Indivisible, and the Working Families Party are organizing a huge Week of Action to build support for this critical climate justice legislation! In our community, we're having a local, small, outdoor, masked rally to demand that our elected officials champion climate justice! We need your help! Join us, as we build momentum for climate justice in our community, in the state, and in our country!
On April 7th at 4pm we will be meeting at Niagara Square (Niagara Square is a public square located at the intersections of Delaware Avenue, Court Street, Genesee Street, and Niagara Street in Buffalo). From 4-5pm we will be creating signs that show our need for the CCIA (supplies provided). Then from 5-6pm we will hear from some speakers, get chanting, and have some calls to action. After the event there will be an optional community building session for folks to eat a provided meal and socialize in a safe socially distanced way.