PyeongChang Peace Forum

Start: Sunday, February 09, 2020 9:00 AM

End: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 6:30 PM

The PyeongChang Peace Forum is a glocal (global and local) platform of dialogue for building sustainable peace and development. It is being held on the 2nd anniversray of the PyeongChang Olympics, at which a diplomatic initiative kick-started the Korean peninsula peace and denuclearisation process. The PyeongChang Peace Forum will explore ways to support and advance this process, including through further use of sports for peace and diplomacy, as well as ways to advance peace and sustainable development globally.

PNND will hold a roundtable event at the Forum on the role of parliamentarians to support the Korean peace and denuclearization process. For further information contact PNND Secretariate.

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