RAGE AGAINST THE WAR MACHINE at the White House, October 11-13

Start: Friday, October 11, 201912:00 PM

End: Sunday, October 13, 201912:00 PM

March on the Pentagon Presents:


Last year around 2,000 of our friends and comrades joined us as we marched on the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, where we called for a revival of a mass antiwar/anti-imperialism movement, attention on the toll war takes on women across the globe, the environmental impacts of war, and much much more.

In 2019, we're fighting for the very same things and we're taking our march to the White House—where we won't be ignored!

We invite you to Rage Against the War Machine with us on Friday, October 11th.

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention and we're committed to educating everyone about the atrocities of the War Machine.

Endorse Rage Against the War Machine

Endorsements will be listed on our website and used in promotional material after approval.

RSVP on Facebook

If you're on Facebook, tell us you're coming and share our event page with your friends!

Support Rage Against the War Machine

We can't do this without you! Please consider supporting March on the Pentagon as we gear up for Rage Against the War Machine in October!

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