Raise the Wage Renton and Tacoma for All Solidarity Party!

Start: Saturday, October 14, 2023 2:00 PM

End: Saturday, October 14, 2023 6:00 PM

Raise The Wage Renton has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in February.(*)

Tacoma For All’s Tenant Bill of Rights will be on the ballot in November.

Seattle DSA and Tacoma DSA have been key forces behind both ballot initiatives, and now that they are both on the ballot, it is time to celebrate — before we get back to work, to make sure both initiatives are approved by voters.

Come join us for an outdoor celebration on Saturday October 14, before northwest winter sets in.

This event is mostly a social/celebration of the work we’ve done so far. There will also be brief updates and discussion on the two campaigns from 4 to 5 PM.

We will have:

– A special update announcement on Raise the Wage Renton
– A celebration/fundraiser for the Tacoma for All ballot initiative
– Snacks
– Outdoor space
– Music and great company

Please bring a snack or drink to share.

And please contribute to these important campaigns if you can.

The celebration will be outdoors, under covers, at a private residence near the Othello light rail station in south Seattle. Please RSVP below, and look for the exact address in the confirmation email.

RSVP here, then check your email for exact address.

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