Raise Wisconsin - Living Wage Now - Governor Walker Accountability Rally

Start: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 5:00 PM

Living wage is the law of the land.  Wisconsin law says that minimum wage "shall not be less than a living wage."  The Governor has the authority and responsibility to raise the minimum wage to a living wage.  

Time's up!  Time is now!  Walker: Raise the Wage!  On September 24th, underpaid workers filed official complaints under Wisconsin law triggering an obligation of the Governor to take appropriate action within 20 days to make the minimum wage a living wage.  On October 14th at 5 pm, his time is up.  

Join us to hold Scott Walker accountable.  If he won't raise the minimum wage, we'll elect a Governor who will!  Join underpaid workers and community allies rallying to demand Walker fulfill his obligation and use his authority to raise the minimum wage to a living wage.  If he doesn't, on October 14th we'll launch a worker-led get out the vote effort to elect a Governor who will.

Stand with the hundreds of thousands of underpaid workers who will benefit from an increase in the minimum wage to a living wage.  Join us on October 14th!

For more information, visit Raise Wisconsin.  

Raise Wisconsin is a campaign led by Wisconsin Jobs Now and Wisconsin Working Families to win a living wage for all workers in our state.