Rally Against False Climate Solutions
Start: Wednesday, November 09, 2022• 1:00 PM
End: Wednesday, November 09, 2022• 3:00 PM

Did you hear? The corporations vying to get rich from building carbon capture pipelines across Iowa will be meeting at a convention right here in Des Moines Nov 8-9!
People from Minnesota, Illinois, Nebraska, and all four corners of Iowa will be there to say “NO CO2 PIPELINES! NO MORE FALSE CLIMATE SOLUTIONS!" Will you help us send a strong message that Iowans are united against CO2 pipelines?
Here is what the day will look like:
1pm rally at Cowles Commons
1:30pm March to Iowa Event Center
2:00pm Protest outside the carbon capture convention
1:30pm March to Iowa Event Center
2:00pm Protest outside the carbon capture convention
Why should you join?
Big corporations that have significantly polluted our land, air, and water are scrambling to find “solutions”—false ones— in attempt to cover up the environmental damage they inflict on our state. And they're trying to use our tax-payer dollars to do it.
CO2 pipelines are being pitched as the golden ticket to end greenhouse gas emissions from ethanol, fertilizer, and coal plants.
The problem:
--Carbon capture projects have never actually reduced greenhouse emissions.
--They bolster industries that capitalize off dirty energy and destructive agricultural practices
--CO2 pipeline leaks are extremely dangerous and public entities are not equipped to respond.
--Pipeline developers are bankrolling Governor Kim Reynolds to use eminent domain to seize land in order to enrich private corporations.
--They bolster industries that capitalize off dirty energy and destructive agricultural practices
--CO2 pipeline leaks are extremely dangerous and public entities are not equipped to respond.
--Pipeline developers are bankrolling Governor Kim Reynolds to use eminent domain to seize land in order to enrich private corporations.
We need you to rise up with us to stop these projects!
For assistance with mobility, transportation, or anything else don't hesitate to email jake@iowacci.org.
We will coordinate ASL interpreters and can assist with mobile accessibility. Please reach out to let us know how we can accommodate you.