Rally for Justice for All

Start: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 5:30 PM

Workers, activists and allies from across the Capital District will stand united on Tuesday, November 29th in Downtown Albany!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 will mark the four-year anniversary of the strike that ignited the Fight For $15 movement. On that day, low-wage workers, together with their faith, community and labor allies, will mobilize the largest nation-wide action to date.

We will be calling on all newly elected officials (from the local level to the national level) to adopt a moral agenda that recognizes the humanity of all working people and sanctifies living wages, racial equality, the rights of workers to join together in unions and all of the issues that directly impact the 64 million workers across the country who are currently making less than $15 / poverty wages - immigrant justice, equal access to a quality education, health justice, environmental justice, access to affordable housing and more.