Rally for Transit Justice

Start: Thursday, June 29, 2017 5:30 PM

End: Thursday, June 29, 2017 7:00 PM

Join transit riders, workers, and community allies as we fight for a better transit system. This event is organized by Americans for Transit.

This year WMATA has passed:

Fare Hikes:
- $1.75 to $2.00 Metrobus , some express buses increase an additional $2.00
-$.10 on rail during peak service and $.25 during off-peak service

Service Cuts:
-33 routes being eliminated or service reduced in DMV region
-up to 25% of rail service cut during rush hour
-no late night rail service for two years
WMATA doesn’t put riders first.

WMATA, we have solutions to SAVE OUR SYSTEM

We want a safe and reliable transit system.
Make worker and rider safety a real priority. Don’t defer crucial maintenance. Listen to workers who fix and operate the system every day. Be transparent about your plans and decision-making.

We want a funded transit system. Every year DC, MD, VA and Congress have to decide how much money to give WMATA and every year WMATA’s funding crisis grows. Regional decision makers must work together to fully fund WMATA with dedicated funding to sustain our public transportation system. Make those profiting the most off of Metro pay their fair share.

We want a fair system. We want a flat fare and free transfers between bus and rail. Bring back our bus, rail and MetroAccess service. Extend hours of operation and expand the system.

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