Salem Rally and Nonviolent Moral Direct Action

Start: Monday, May 14, 201811:00 AM

End: Monday, May 14, 2018 6:30 PM

Nonviolent Moral Direct Action in Salem
Week One

Somebodies Hurting Our People:
Child poverty, Women, and People with Disabilities

Monday, May 14th

The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will undertake 40 Days of Action to launch a massive movement to address the evils of poverty, racism, militarism, and ecological devastation. Every week for six weeks people across the country will gather in their their state capitals, the places of power where decisions about our collective well-being are made, to raise awareness about the unique and common ways we are impacted by the evils.

People in Oregon will gather in Salem on Monday, May 14th and Monday, June 18th and will spend the 40 Days in between engaged in relational meetings, popular and political education, and nonviolence training in their local communities and across the state.

Fill out this form so that we can ensure you have the proper information and accommodations you may need to get there and participate in the action on May 14th.

11:00am - 1:00pm Nonviolent Moral Direct Action Training
1:00pm - Lunch
1:45pm - Rally and Nonviolent Moral Direct Action at the Capitol
5:00pm - Post Action Support, Evaluation, and Dinner

Closer to May 14th, you will receive an email outlining the details for the day including the meeting location, items to bring, items to leave at home, a copy of our nonviolence agreement, and a more comprehensive outline of the agenda for the day.

Questions, contact us at