Rally Outside Premier's Office to Keep Our Buses Public!

Start: Monday, December 02, 201912:00 PM

End: Monday, December 02, 2019 1:30 PM

Gladys Berejiklian and the Liberals promised no more privatisation during the election.

On the 25th of October the Berejiklian Government broke that promise by announcing their plan to privatise all Sydney buses.

A private company will need to turn a profit by squeezing money out of bus services. Every dollar they save will be at your expense, instead of being put back into better services.This means:

  • Bus routes will be cut
  • More services will be late
  • Travel times will increase
  • Safety will be compromised
  • Traffic congestion will get worse

It's time to fight back. Join us on the 2nd of December, 12pm, Cnr Martin Place & Phillip Street Sydney for a rally to KEEP OUR BUSES PUBLIC. We'll be outside the Premier's office to send her a message!

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