Rally & Press Conference: Water for People, Not for Profit!

Start: Wednesday, February 14, 201812:00 PM

Join us as part of the Millions of Jobs Coalition’s nationwide day of action against Trump’s infrastructure plan. Here in Baltimore, we’re having a rally and press conference to flush Trump’s privatization scam (down a gilded toilet) and say NO to water privatization in Baltimore! Wednesday, February 14th 12:00 - 1:00 pm War Memorial Plaza, in front of City Hall 100 Holliday St, Baltimore, MD 21202 https://www.facebook.com/events/190454485036737/ Speakers: -City Council President Bernard C "Jack" Young -Councilwoman Shannon Sneed, 13th District -Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke, 14th District -Pastor Alvin Gwynn, President of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Baltimore -Charly Carter, Executive Director of Maryland Working Families -Molly Amster, Baltimore Director, Jews United for Justice -Antoinette Ryan Johnson, President, City Union of Baltimore -Elder Cortly "CD" Witherspoon Sr., President Emeritus of Southern Christian Leadership Conference and People’s Power Assembly (Stay tuned for more!) Trump’s leaked infrastructure plan provides a blueprint for handing over public water to Wall Street and water corporations. He wants corporations to make a profit off of our water— and for the public to pay the costs. Water bills would need to skyrocket to allow Wall Street to profit, leading to even more unaffordable bills, shutoffs and tax sales. His pro-corporate, anti-community infrastructure plan comes just as French multinational Suez and Wall Street firm KKR are aggressively pitching Baltimore’s city officials to try to privatize our water through a 50-year lease. A privatization deal would cause water rates to skyrocket, decrease public accountability, limit the city council’s ability to set up affordability programs, and lead to the firing of local workers. While Suez and KKR would profit, Baltimore low-income families, working families, and communities of color would suffer. We must stand united to ensure that our drinking water is kept in public hands. There are many measures the city council, mayor Pugh, and the Maryland General Assembly must take to address Baltimore’s water affordability crisis — all of these would be undermined if the city leases off our public water system to profiteering multinationals and Wall Street. Please contact Rianna Eckel (reckel@fwwatch.org, 410-394-7652) with any questions.