Rally for remote work rights to support stronger communities

Start: Thursday, May 23, 2024 7:45 AM

End: Thursday, May 23, 2024 9:00 AM

Ottawa’s Mayor is hosting a public breakfast with Treasury Board President Minister Anita Anand, who recently announced a plan to force workers back into the office three days per week.

Join members of ACEP-CAPE and federal public sector workers to send a clear message to Treasury Board: we reject a forced return to terrible offices! Downtown Ottawa should be a vibrant space with affordable housing, not a dead employment zone – repeal mandatory in-office days and let’s build a real downtown economy.

Repeal the entire mandatory in-office policy! Remote work rights now!

Federal office workers are being forced back into- worse offices than before the pandemic, that don’t have adequate workspaces and are often infested with bats, bed bugs, and asbestos, for no clear operational reason.

Treasury Board is catering to real estate corporations and Doug Ford instead of listening to the evidence and to their employees who know there is no reason for them to be in the office to take Zoom calls.

Instead of pointlessly forcing workers back to the office, ACEP-CAPE calls on the federal government to repurpose its many underused buildings and convert it into affordable housing to solve the housing crisis and improve cities like Ottawa!  Downtown Ottawa is full of federal buildings that could be retrofitted and repurposed for housing, daycares, and community spaces to make the city more interesting and green.

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