Rally Concerning the TPP and Getting Money OUT of Politics: Apr 2, 2PM @ The Ithaca Journal
Start: Thursday, April 02, 2015• 2:00 PM

The White House is trying to push the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through Congress via a Fast-Track provision. This cannot happen! JOIN ME: [ APRIL 2, 2015 ][ 2:00 p.m. ] [ The Ithaca Journal ][ 123 W State St. ][ Ithaca, NY 14850 ]
what TPP really means Mar 29, 2015 Ithaca Journal
[*Write an LTE to bring with you to be hand-delivered to the Ithaca Journal and Times*]
Write an LTE about the TPP [useful tips]
The unprecedented corporate control we currently face stands to be made even worse under the TPP. It is up to you to stand up for democracy!
Invite your friends and family, or maybe even recruit a stranger off the street! Dark money has infected our government, so now corporations and the rich are trying to call all the shots. It's up to you to get our government working for us again, to reclaim our country and to protect American workers and American rights!
Join us as part of nationwide rallies Thursday April 2, where we'll be encouraging President Obama and our representatives to disclose TPP provisions to the public and to deny Fast-Track. A leaked draft of the TPP showed that under the TPP, corporations would be allowed to sue countries if that country's safety regulations caused that corporation to lose profits. Regulations like the ones that protect our drinking water. Join us to make your voice heard!
[**Make sure to bring an LTE with you, so you can hand-deliver it to the Ithaca Journal and Times**]
[WATCH] Robert Reich explain what the TPP
[WATCH] Elizabeth Warren speak out against the TPP, before Congress (pun intended)
[**Make sure to bring an LTE with you, so you can hand-deliver it to the Ithaca Journal and Times**]
[ APRIL 2, 2015 ][ 2:00 p.m. ] [ The Ithaca Journal ][ 123 W State St. ][ Ithaca, NY 14850 ]