Rally to Send a Message to Schumer: Stop the Dirty Pipeline Deal, or We Shut Down Your Block
Start: Tuesday, May 30, 2023• 5:30 PM

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has not yet blocked the dirty pipeline deal. So we will shut down his whole block. We will do so this evening.
We cannot allow Chuck Schumer to sell out our future to Joe Manchin. And we won't. That's why we are announcing we will take action outside Schumer's home.
The dirty deal mandates approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. This ecocidal project would transport 2,000,000,000 cubic feet of fracked gas every single day. It would have the same climate impact as multiple dozens of brand-new coal plants.
Some of the other "reforms" Manchin is championing include limiting environmental review processes to two years.
Schumer is on the cusp of making a deal with the devil, stripping down our bedrock environmental laws and review processes for the Sisyphean task of trying to appease fossil fuel oligarch Joe Manchin. This is not ok!
It's time Schumer have some backbone. It's time he hold the line. It's time he reject and dirty pipeline deal with Manchin, once and for all.
TODAY. Grand Army Plaza. May 30th. 5:30 pm. Stand with us.