Rally to Shut Down HERC Trash Burner
Start: Tuesday, August 15, 2023• 1:00 PM

HERC is a giant trash burner owned by Hennepin County and located near Minneapolis’ Target Field between Downtown and North Minneapolis.
It has burned 1,000 tons of trash almost every day since it was built in 1989. It is the single biggest polluter in all of Hennepin County.
It emits numerous health-damaging air pollutants into some of the most overburdened and health-impacted communities in MN-- including lead, particulate matter, toxic PFAS, and carcinogenic dioxins from burning many tons of plastic each day, etc. The population within a 3-mile radius has a higher concentration of low-income households than 89 percent of the state, and a higher percentage of people of color than 90 percent of the state.
Join us on August 15th to tell Hennepin County we won't stand by while HERC poisons our community. Hennepin County is supposedly creating a "closure plan" for HERC due to our pressure and advocacy. But we must create more awareness and pressure so that Hennepin County's Board of Commissioners requires a closure date to be included in this plan.
We will have speeches from impacted community members, doctors, teachers who teach nearby, unions representing waste workers, scientists, waste experts, and others.
For more information about the incinerator, visit: https://www.mnejtable.org/anti-incinerator-campaign/. Sign the petition here: https://sites.google.com/mnejtable.org/shutdownherc/