RBM Invitation: This is Our Time

Start: 2021-05-20 19:00:00 UTC Brisbane (GMT+10:00)

End: 2021-05-20 20:30:00 UTC Brisbane (GMT+10:00)

This is a virtual event

This is Our Time

We invite you to explore, in the company of others, what this time of global transformation is asking of you.

A time where we see, each passing day, the truth of our society: our politics and our culture laid bare. A time where the world is requiring us to be honest with each other.

In this session we will draw from the wisdom of two monks from the monastery of Thich Nhat Hanh on working, even in our activism, from love. We will explore themes of grief and healing, self care and our relationship with the living world.

Together we can go into the depths of what we are feeling at this time, and release ourselves of the burdens we may carry to solve all this.

We offer a space where we can listen to each other and gain clarity on who we are and what lights us up so we can journey forward, fully alive.

Your facilitators

Shirley Lewis is a passionate environmentalist, journalist and broadcaster; she lives in Katoomba and has two sons and two granddaughters and practises Living ASAP = As Sustainably As Possible. http://futureasap.com/

Sarah van Erp lives in Sydney with her partner and two children, she teaches at a bush school in Centennial Parklands. Sarah seeks to connect with people on what brings each of us joy and how we can cultivate that in our daily lives

Victoria Walker is a Social Ecologist and environmental educator who left a busy city life for an existence of organic farming, nature education and community connection. www.innerlandscape.com.au

When: Thursday, May 20 7pm - 8.30pm

Where: Zoom, please RSVP for details