Reclaim Earth Day: No to Genocide! No to Ecocide!

Start: Friday, April 19, 202410:00 AM

End: Friday, April 19, 2024 2:00 PM


Imperialists out of Palestine, Congo, and Sudan!

Join Youth Vs. Apocalypse and hundreds of youth for our annual youth-led Earth Day action, centering intersectional demands that target the root of oppression.

Friday, April 19, 10am

Embarcadero Plaza

This year, we are witnessing the US fund the active genocide with over 36,000 Palestinians martyred by the Israeli occupation, we must keep our eyes on the struggles happening all over the Global South. We have a responsibility, as US and western imperialist forces are responsible for this mass suffering. We know it’s our duty as climate justice organizers in the belly of the beast to put pressure on the ruling class in power to ensure liberation for the masses of people, domestically and internationally.

This is why a large coalition of youth leaders and environmental movement organizers have come together to organize an Earth Day action centered around uplifting Palestine, Sudan, and Congo – three countries going through massive violence at the hands of western imperialism.

We believe that the oppression going on in Palestine, Sudan, and Congo is directly related to our core values of environmental justice, youth power, indigenous land stewardship, and the right to self-determination.

From The Bay and Congo to Sudan and Palestine, we say no more extracting resources at the sacrifice of human life and environmental health. All three of these countries are being targeted by greedy corporations, war-profiteering politicians, and imperialist governments to further their genocidal agendas and widen their profits. As they exploit and murder entire communities, they are also destroying the land. Genocide will always be coupled with ecocide. The youth, the people, and the land share a common enemy. As environmental justice organizations, we must stand against imperialism to advance the liberation of the masses of oppressed people and protect the land and its right to flourish.

We will march from the Embarcadero Plaza to our targets: Blackrock and Bank of NY Mellon (BNY Mellon), due to their involvement in investing in imperialist institutions responsible for resource extraction, war, violence, and genocide in the Global South. Blackrock is invested in various corporations furthering imperialism in Palestine, Congo, and Sudan. BNY Mellon is invested in Elbit Systems which is Israel’s largest weapons firm playing a huge role in the current Genocide against Palestinian people.

We are uplifting the movement demands set forth by Palestinian, Sudanese, and Congolese movement organizers. We have an additional demand set forth by the youth leading this event:

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE REQUIRES THE END OF IMPERIALISM. Imperialists out of Palestine, Congo, and Sudan!

RSVP to join us on April 19th, 2024 from 10am-2:00pm at Embarcadero Plaza to demand the end of imperialism in Palestine, Congo, and Sudan and demand real environmental justice!

Unite against Imperialism!

Want to volunteer for this event? Sign up here to volunteer.

This event will be outdoors on public streets and spaces.