All in for Fair Maps! Redistricting Rally at the Ohio Supreme Court

Start: Wednesday, December 08, 202111:30 AM

End: Wednesday, December 08, 202112:30 PM

Join us for a rally and press event on the first day of oral arguments at the Ohio Supreme Court in support of fair maps for our state

Join us and our partners including the Ohio Environmental Council, the Council on American Islamic Relations, and the Brennan Center for Justice for an event where we will tell the stories of the people behind the lawsuits against the state's gerrymandered maps.

The unfair, illegal, and heavily rigged legislative maps that Republicans rammed through the process will literally shape our lives and our communities for the next decade.

As Ohioans, we have the power to choose what hospitals, schools, and resources are funded in our neighborhood, not power-hungry politicians who favor their own interests.

We need fair and representative maps that reflect the diversity of Ohio. We deserve a fair and inclusive process, where our communities remain whole and our voting power won’t be diluted by cracking and packing, especially Black, brown, and Muslim Ohioans.  

RSVP so we know you're coming and so we can keep you updated on the status and outcomes of the legal proceedings. Bring a friends

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