Resist Trump's Anti Trump Bash at Bean's
Start: Friday, June 09, 2017• 9:30 AM

Come in your car, the People Mover, or out of your box for the second meeting of Resist Trump's famous anti-Trump Rally, being held on the 9th of June on the sidewalks outside beans cafe!
Please bring your spirit (and your own hypodermic needles) as we show Anchorage that even though they elected him, HE IS NOT OUR PRESIDENT.
Together we will march from Beans to the downtown soup kitchen for a second helping of lunch, from there we will march to the old LIO where we will deficate outside the door to show our disgust for the government, from there our destination will be city park where we will sit under trees and harass tourists who look Republican (white, male, wearing new clothes, no northface/patagonia/REI/ etc.)
Afterwords we will make cardboard signs (save extra cardboard for beds) and make our way to the public library to look at some porn on the public computers. Then to prove to the city we mean business we will sleep in the library until Trump is impeached or the city gives us free people mover for the year.
Embrace your inner protester RESIST TRUMP