Respect Rally Park City

Start: Saturday, January 20, 201810:00 AM

End: Saturday, January 20, 201811:30 AM

On January 21, 2018, thousands of women, femmes and allies will come together in Las Vegas, Nevada, to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Women’s March and to launch our collective 2018 Women’s March agenda: #PowerToThe Polls.

We in Park City, UT are organizing an action on January 20 for the Women's March anniversary weekend.

The Respect Rally Park City is an opportunity to honor the one-year anniversary of the National Women’s March and the local success of #MarchOnMain in Park City. We will gather together and celebrate all of the victories our fellow marchers have fought for in their communities in 2017 and to continue the spirit of activism that has been awakened nationwide since last year’s march.

We take this opportunity to join in solidarity with members of the local community and visitors from the global creative community to demonstrate and voice our respect for all ethnicities, religions, genders, political and sexual orientations, to commune in respect for our land, our water and our air, and to show deference for each person’s individual experience and belief system. We take this opportunity to elevate one another’s causes, understand and respect each other’s struggles and join together in unity to heal wounds and narrow the gaps that threaten to divide us.

#RespectRallyParkCity #PowertothePolls

Location: City Park, across from the Library, on the north side

Information about speakers, parking, transportation, and more details to come. Please spread the word by RSVP-ing to this event and sharing with your network. Find updates on our Eventbrite and Facebook event page.

We have begun to secure sponsorship $$$ to cover the costs of the event, but please consider making a donation if you are able to help us close the gap. #ittakesavillage Thank you!