Rethink35 - May Day of Action Block Walking - Impacted Homes and Businesses

Start: Saturday, May 27, 2023 4:00 PM

End: Saturday, May 27, 2023 6:00 PM

from our last day of action

Join Us to Talk about the I-35 Expansion with Impacted Homes and Businesses!

We will get together and split into teams to engage in outreach to homes and businesses that would be impacted by the I-35 expansion.

When we’re finished we'll get together for some food and drink!  (optional)

What to expect:

- Group meet & greet and introductions.  

- Training for the block-walk

- Pairing up and knocking on doors to talk about people's experiences with I-35 and distribute literature.

- Regroup at Progress coffee for food and drinks (optional)

Helpful items you could bring:

- Water
- A bag for holding materials
- Clothing you'll be comfortable in outdoors

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