Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice - Come to Portland with us.

Start: Saturday, September 08, 201810:30 AM

End: Saturday, September 08, 2018 5:00 PM

350 Salem OR is going to Portland for


September 8, 2018

And you're Invited!

This September, cities, states, businesses and civil society from around the world are gathering in California for the Global Climate Action Summit. On the Saturday before the Summit starts, people around the world will gather in our own cities and towns to urge political leaders to move quickly toward a Renewable Energy Future.

350 Salem OR invites you to go to Portland to join our sister chapter 350PDX at Rise for Climate Portland, an exciting event hosted by Oregon Just Transition Alliance at Glenhaven City Park NE 82nd Avenue & Siskiyou Street, Portland, OR (This is the correct new location).

At Rise for Climate Portland we will support a clean energy future, oppose construction of the Pacific Connector gas pipeline and the Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural Gas terminal, and oppose state ballot measure 105 (which would repeal Oregon’s Sanctuary State law). The event, packed with speakers, music, entertainment, and information, will be held from noon until 4 PM.

You can take our chartered bus or meet us at the park in Portland.

The bus is free but seating is limited to 50 people, first come, first served. We need at least 30 riders confirmed by the end of August to offer the bus. If you sign up but have a change of plans, please let us know at bustopdx@gmail.com .

(Even If you RSVP on this page, to register for a seat on the bus you must use this Sign up link)

Sign up here to reserve a seat on the bus!

The bus will leave at 10:30 AM from the Market Street Park and Ride in Salem and arrive back in Salem around 5:00 PM. Please arrive at the Park and Ride by 10:15 am.  

Wear your 350 Salem OR T-shirts. If you come on your own, try arranging your own carpools or come to the Market St. Park & Ride and form carpools there. If you do come on your own, look for our banner in the park.  

Welcome aboard! This is a great chance to meet wonderful friends and allies in our region.