RSVP for ANC Advocacy Training by Birth-To-Three DC Coalition

Start: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 6:00 PM

End: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:30 PM

During the training, our Birth-To-Three organizing team will provide an overview of ANCs, help participants identify their ANC, and cover key issues participants should convey during their ANC meetings. The training will also cover a "Birth-To-Three 101" presentation, an explanation of why working-class families deserve quality and affordable early childhood education, and an overview of how we tripled the Mayor's investment for the Birth-To-Three for All Act of 2018.

If you are interested in learning more about ANCs, attending a training session, or hosting a training session in your neighborhood please email Makia Green:

Become a member: Text Member to " 738674" to receive information on becoming a member.
Take Action: Forward this event to five friends, and pledge to send out reminders to help with attendance.
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