Sacramento Rally: End the Gas Car Era
Start: Thursday, June 09, 2022• 8:30 AM
Big oil is destroying our planet, polluting communities, and hammering us with high prices at the pump. We need to get off oil fast. And this is California’s last real chance to drive a faster, equitable shift to 100% electric vehicles.
But the California Air Resources Board (CARB) must step up. Join a climate justice rally outside the June 9th CARB hearing to push the Board to do the right thing and speed the transition to 100% electric vehicles.
CARB’s latest clean cars proposal allows huge numbers of new dirty, gas-burning cars to be sold after 2030 and fails to ensure equitable EV access for low-income communities of color. We can’t achieve equity without a stronger 2030 sales target and mandatory provisions that support communities hit first and worst by high gas prices, tailpipe pollution and the climate crisis.
The rally will include powerful speakers, chants, and performance art to show our collective power and pressure CARB to take the urgent action we need. Following the rally, supporters will be encouraged to bring our policy demands inside the hearing and make public comments.
Event co-hosts include the Center for Biological Diversity, Let’s Green California, 350 Sacramento, Climate Center, Oil & Gas Action Network, Extinction Rebellion SF Bay, 350 Bay Area, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, 350 Silicon Valley, Climate Hawks Vote, Plug in America, California Interfaith Power & Light, Sacramento Climate Coalition, Extinction Rebellion Sacramento, and Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association.