Sagetable Central

Start: Saturday, November 10, 201811:00 AM

Email for Registration:

SAGE Table is a special community gathering happening around Nov. 8, 2018 and beyond. There will be tables held at many other locations nationwide, hosted by partner organizations and individual hosts. Together, we're part of a movement to bring LGBT elders back into the center of the community they helped build. And just so there's no mistake: this is a friendraiser, not a fundraiser!

Why SAGE TABLE? Our goal is to draw our community closer together, to alleviate the loneliness common to many LGBT seniors and to share food, stories and ideas. This is a space to begin a conversation about how we relate to people across age boundaries in our community, and how we can take action together.

I hope you'll join me at my event. You can learn more about the movement here.

Event by
Edison, New Jersey
New York, NY