San José Barnstorm - National Medicare for All Week of Action
Start: Saturday, February 09, 2019• 4:00 PM
End: Saturday, February 09, 2019• 5:30 PM

Over 70% of Americans want #MedicareForAll, but politicians won't pass the bill without public pressure. Find out how you can mobilize your community to win #MedicareForAll. Put #PeopleOverProfit, and cover everyone regardless of income or health condition. EVERYBODY IN. NOBODY OUT.
Join the San José barnstorm event on Sat, Feb 9, 2019, 4:-5:30pm as part of the National Medicare for All Week of Action. Hundreds of events are happening across the country as activists come together to win Medicare for All.
We’ll talk about what’s at stake, our plan to win, and what you can do to take action and get involved. And eat pizza too!
Thanks for joining us in the fight for health care justice.
♿Wheelchair accessible
Parking in rear; enter from 21st St
Host: Santa Clara County Single Payer Health Care Coalition
Sponsors: National Nurses United, Our Revolution, #KnockEveryDoor