Santa Barbara County Planning Commission - 3/4 Hearing on Cannabis Zoning Ordinance
Start: Wednesday, March 04, 2020• 9:00 AM
On March 4th, conversations will continue surrounding the findings of the Ag/Cannabis Stakeholder Working Group and the recommendations to mitigating odor and other impacts of cannabis operations along the urban-rural boundary and conflicts with existing agricultural operations.
Join fellow cannabis farmers and workers at this special hearing and have your say!
If you missed the January 22nd Planning Commission meeting, check out this playlist of your great neighbors speaking up for fair farming practices!
If you can't join us in Santa Barbara, please consider sending a letter to the Planning Commission before 12pm on Monday, March 2nd, or give remote testimony at the Betteravia Government Center, Board of Supervisors' Conference Room, 511 Lakeside Parkway, Santa Maria.