Save Our Health Care Rally

Start: 2017-07-18 10:30:00 UTC Central Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

This is a virtual event

On Tuesday, July 18, before Noon, the Senate plans to take the important Motion to Proceed (MTP) vote to allow the bill to go to the floor. Since a majority of votes are needed (52 GOP, 48 Dems) and 2 GOP senators are already a NO, only one more NO vote is needed to sink this bill. Senator Moran could cast the vote that defeats the bill.

Join us to ask him to be that NO vote on this motion.

Senator Moran said that he wouldn't support a bill that didn't meet these 4 criteria:

1. Must be affordable and protect those with pre-existing conditions
2. Must protect rural health care
3. Medicaid should sufficiently cover services
4. Shouldn't stifle job growth

We know the Cruz Amendment, a provision Congress themselves will be exempt from, nulls out criteria 1, and the capping to Medicaid means that not enough of that money will come to Kansas, which nulls out criteria 2 and 3.

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