SAVE THE DATE: March for Healthcare Justice: Celebrating 57 years of Medicare

Start: Saturday, July 30, 202212:00 PM

2021 Seattle March for Medicare for All

This is a SAVE THE DATE for a march through Seattle on July 30th in celebration of 57 years since the passage of Medicare, and a rally for the future of the healthcare justice movement in the United States.

Note that event details are still being planned and subject to change. RSVPing is the best way to be sure you'll be notified as things are finalized.

We will be assembling at Othello Playground and marching along MLK Way. We will have speakers at the beginning and end of the event.

Here are just a few reasons to show your support for #HealthcareJustice in the streets:

  • Our daily lives are still impacted by the COVID pandemic - universal healthcare could have saved over 330,000 lives.
  • Roe V Wade was just overturned making it impossible for millions of people to get an abortion - universal healthcare would remove all financial barriers to all reproductive care.
  • Medicare is currently under threat of privatization via the REACH program.
  • The midterm are weeks away and we need to make sure Medicare for All is a critical electoral issue.
  • This year we have the chance to get universal single payer healthcare on the ballot for Washington state (I-1471).

Event cosponsors:

Featured speaker:

RSVPs will be shared with event cosponsors who may contact you about future actions. You do not need to RSVP to attend the march.

This route should be accessible for folks in wheelchairs or otherwise mobility impaired. Our route is not long, only just about a mile and doesn't feature any significant hills or elevation. We will march slowly and take breaks for folks to catch up.
Event by
Andre Stackhouse
Seattle, Washington