Seminar and Action Series: Resisting Mining and Fossil Fuel Projects

Start: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM GMT

End: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 8:30 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

Resisting mining and fossil fuel projects

Challenges & Lessons from the movement at home and abroad (more details below)

Join us for this webinar on grassroots experiences of resisting and campaigning against mining and fossil fuel industries. Time: 2pm EST /  3pm ART / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET

Register your interest by filling out the form on the top right of this page, and you will receive an email with a link to confirm your place. NB: Your place won't be confirmed until you click the link in the email and follow the Zoom registration process.

Event details:

Fossil fuel and mineral mining industries are some of the most polluting and most damaging to health in the world, and they are a huge driver of climate change. Communities directly affected by these projects, along with environmental and climate campaigners, have mobilised for decades against these dirty industries. Join Friends of the Earth and Not Here Not Anywhere for this online panel discussion on some of the challenges faced and lessons learned in these grassroots struggles.

During the webinar attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in a global solidarity social media action, organised by Not Here, Not Anywhere - see more details here:

The people most affected by mining and fossil fuel projects are those living in rural and impoverished communities, and indigenous and communities of colour.  This dynamic also plays out in Ireland, where extractive projects like fracking and gold mining are often proposed in rural, more excluded communities.

And as in Ireland and in other Global North countries we mobilise against extractive projects and win important victories like Ireland’s fracking ban, we’re also seeing a rise in fracking and other extractive projects in the global South, many carried out by transnationals listed on European stock exchanges. It could be called, offshoring injustice.

Ireland has had important victories - including putting obstacles in the way of state and corporate plans to import fracked gas through the construction of liquefied natural gas (gas transformed to liquid for transportation) terminals - with many lessons to be learned from these campaigns. It’s important that we share those lessons and continue to work with those who are still facing extractive projects on their lands and territories - in the Global South, within Ireland, and in other Global North countries.

To discuss these dynamics we’ll be joined by:
  • Esteban Servat, Ecoleaks and Mendoza against Fracking
  • Maeve O’Gorman, Not Here Not Anywhere
  • Fidelma O’Kane, Save our Sperrins
Each of these speakers and their campaign groups have invaluable experiences to share on campaigning against fracking in Argentina, the potential importation of fracked gas into Ireland, and the proposed gold mine in the Sperrins mountains in Co. Tyrone.

The webinar format will be a panel discussion with a short Q & A. We’ll also be getting attendees to participate in a social media action, organised by Not Here Not Anywhere.