Sen. Moran Visit: Support a Revenue-Neutral Budget

Start: Thursday, October 05, 201712:00 PM

We know: talking about the budget isn't the most glamorous or the most exciting.

But we believe that when taxes and spending are targeted to benefit the richest Americans, including the President and his cronies, while middle- and working-class Americans see little to no cuts in their taxes, but deep cuts to essential services, that is wrong.  

We will speak up and show our elected officials that we are paying attention, and that this is unacceptable.

  • Even though low- and middle-income Americans are the ones suffering from recent economic trends, the President's proposed tax plan principally benefits the wealthiest families and corporations.
  • The proposed tax cuts could add $1.5 trillion to the deficit, which would either increase payments on the debt or lead to slashes in programs that invest in working Americans, including education and job training, healthcare, scientific research, and local economic development.
  • We ask that our Senator only support a budget resolution that is both revenue-neutral and invests in working families.
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