Sen. Roberts Office Visit: Show Us The Bill!

Start: Tuesday, June 20, 201712:00 PM

Topic: Show us the Health Care Bill.

Like we mentioned before and as you probably already know, Mitch McConnell has chosen 13 GOP senators, all men, to help him craft the health care bill that will yield 50 votes, with VP Pence as the tie-breaker. With this plan, imagine how conservative this bill will be. It might rival the one the House passed, which Trump ended up tagging as being “mean.”

This bill is so secret that even our fellow senator, Pat Roberts, who is on the Health, Education, Labor and Pension committee hasn’t seen it. Neither has our other senator, Jerry Moran. And, neither have any of the other senators in Congress.

Is this really the way to implement legislation that will affect millions of lives and one-sixth of the US economy?

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