Senate Transportation Committee Hearing

Start: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 1:30 PM

The Connect Bay Area Act will be heard in the Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday, April 23 at 1:30 PM. Can we count on your support to make sure we pass this legislation with our amendments?

The Voices for Public Transportation (VPT) Coalition has worked with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to pass a regional transit funding measure that will transform the Bay Area’s transportation network into a more sustainable, equitable, and user-friendly system. We’re excited to see authorizing legislation that will raise a dedicated source of desperately needed transit operating funding to protect and enhance transit service. SB 1031, introduced by Senators Wahab and Wiener, is going through the legislature this year and will address the transit operating fiscal cliff agencies in our nine counties face.

We'll be meeting at the Capitol Building before the hearing to go over the legislative process and our proposed amendments.