Senator Moran: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Start: Wednesday, February 07, 201812:00 PM

Here at Indivisible KC, we're committed to holding our elected officials accountable for their votes. That not only means holding their feet to the fire when they don't act to represent us, but also saying thank you to recognize the good work that they've done.

This week, as we visit the office of Senator Moran, we've got a bit of both:

  • However belated, we're glad of his vote to support the extension of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The six year extension will help kids all across Kansas.
  • We're also grateful for his work on the Modernizing Government Technology Act, which will improve government technology infrastructure in its efficiency and security.
  • We're not pleased with his support for S.2311, a bill that plays up wedge issues and curtails a woman's right to an abortion.
  • We're still waiting for his outspoken leadership in support of  young American Dreamers. Crafting a solution will require bipartisan compromise if we're going to avoid another government shutdown.

We hope you'll join us to discuss today's pressing issues in the Senate, and make sure Senator Moran is representing you.

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