Senator Roberts' Office Visit: Save Our Health Care

Start: 2017-07-18 12:00:00 UTC Central Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

This is a virtual event

Join us so we can remind Senator Roberts the Senate health care bill is bad for Kansans.

Although Senator Pat Roberts is a firm yes on the latest version of Senate health care bill, we want to remind him that he supports a bill with deep Medicaid cuts and one that contains the Cruz Amendment, which essentially eliminates the protection of coverage of pre-existing conditions. Members of Congress have written the bill so they, themselves, are exempt from this unconscionable provision.

Deep Medicaid cuts will affect rural communities the most. Rural residents, who lack employer-based insurance, will be left paying more and Medicaid cuts will shut down rural hospitals, making residents travel farther for basic care. These cuts will also affect school children who rely on special education.

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