Karla Griego for LAUSD School Board Canvass - Sept 28
Start: Saturday, September 28, 2024• 9:30 AM
End: Saturday, September 28, 2024• 1:00 PM
Location:Trinity Recreation Center•2415 Trinity St, Los Angeles, CA 90011 US
Host Contact Info: karlagriegoforschoolboard@gmail.com
Join us on Saturday, September 28, at 9:30 a.m., to canvass for Karla Griego for the LAUSD School Board in District 5. Everyone is welcome to join the canvass. No experience is needed, we will train you!
Karla is a parent, teacher, and activist who has been working and organizing at school sites, on picket lines, in town halls, and in the community to bring all of us together to win the schools that Los Angeles deserves. Get involved with our movement and come out and canvass with us!
Paid for by Karla Griego for LAUSD School Board 2024, ID #1461791, c/o 728 W. Edna Place, Covina, CA, 91722. Additional information is available at ethics.lacity.org