September Chapter Membership Meeting
Start: Tuesday, September 26, 2023• 7:00 PM
End: Tuesday, September 26, 2023• 9:00 PM
At this month's Chapter Membership Meeting we'll hear a full report from Tacoma DSA leaders about their two promising electoral fights: To elect Tacoma's first Black socialist to City Council and a ballot initiative to pass the strongest tenant protections in Washington State!
This is also the perfect meeting for members looking to plug-in to our chapters' work more. The Member Engagement Committee walks everyone through the newly-updated Jobs Board, to match your skills and interests to the needs of our committees and working groups.
Chapter Membership Meetings are the events in which the largest number of members come together to hear about what the chapter has been up to recently, learn what is on the horizon and how to get involved, discuss ideas, and vote on how we should use our collective resources of money to achieve our goals.