Summer Gathering & AGM: Local democracy in the Covid-19 crisis with Natalie Bennett

Start: 2020-08-18 20:00:00 UTC Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (GMT+00:00)

This is a virtual event

Join the South East Young Greens for a discussion with Baroness Natalie Bennett on the importance of local democracy. Members and non-members welcome!

During the Covid-19 crisis, local councils have been at the forefront of efforts to bring the pandemic under control. They've been at the heart of so much from providing support to the most in need to making much needed changes to transport infrastructure to facilitate active travel and social distancing. More than ever, it's clear that putting into practice the Green Party's plans to empower local government and make our councils real forces for positive change is a huge part of what we need to #BuildBackBetter.

Natalie Bennett is a Green Party member of the House of Lords and previously lead the party from 2012 until 2016. Recently, Natalie has been a strong voice for local government in parliament. Some of her work on this has included questions to the government on the supply of Covid-19 testing information and support for local government to continue it's work at this time. Natalie will be talking to us about the importance of local government, especially during this time of crisis.

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Take part in our AGM!

This event is part of a series of events we're holding in place of our usual in-person Summer Gathering. It's vital that as many members as possible take part in the democratic parts of the AGM. Sign up to the AGM session on Saturday 22nd August and find out more about standing for election!

Note: All times are BST

Image description: Graphic with a photo of Natalie Bennett, and text 'Local democracy in the Covid-19 recovery' on 'Tuesday 18th August'

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