Sherbrooke, Québec Global Day of Action for Climate Justice 5 Nov. 11:00 AM

Start: Friday, November 05, 202111:00 AM

English translation to follow below.

Le sommet COP26 à Glasgow en novembre présente une opportunité pour le monde de s'engager à se rassembler et à travers ses actions de réduire considérablement son empreinte carbone et de rester bien en dessous de 1,5 C.

Malheureusement, le Canada subventionne ses multinationales pétrolières et gazières.  De plus, il n'a pas donné généreusement aux 100 milliards de dollars promis par les pays riches pour commencer en 2020 pour aider les pays les plus vulnérables à réduire leurs émissions de combustibles fossiles et à financer des stratégies d'adaptation.  Cet engagement doit être honoré si le sommet de Glasgow veut établir la confiance avec les nations qui n'ont pas contribué à la majorité des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

Il est impératif que le gouvernement fédéral canadien et les banques canadiennes modifient leurs politiques pro-pétrole mortelles pour la planète et protègent la plus jeune génération et les générations à venir de l'effondrement du climat et de la biodiversité.
Le vendredi 5 novembre, nous marcherons de l'Université Bishop's (à partir de la chapelle) au bureau de Lennoxville de Marie-Claude Bibeau, ministre de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire du Canada, et de là à la Banque Royale du Canada, qui est un contributeur majeur aux prêts bancaires liés aux combustibles fossiles.  Il y aura des discours.
La manifestation de solidarité mondiale pour la justice climatique de la COP26 vise à alerter les « dirigeants » nationaux : passez à une action climatique authentique, ou démissionnez-vous.  Des faits, pas des mots.

Marchez avec nous!

The COP26 summit in Glasgow this November presents an opportunity for the world to commit to coming together and through its actions drastically reduce its carbon footprint and stay well below 1.5 C.

Unfortunately Canada subsidises its oil and gas multinationals. In addition, it has not given generously to the $100 billion that was pledged by wealthy nations to start in 2020 to help the most vulnerable nations to reduce their fossil fuel emissions and fund adaptation strategies. This pledge must be honoured if the Glasgow summit is to build trust with nations that have not contributed to the majority of greenhouse gas emissions.

It is imperative that the Canadian federal government and Canadian banks change their pro-oil death-to-the-planet policies and protect the youngest generation and generations to come from climate/biodiversity breakdown.

On Friday 5 November we will march from Bishop’s University (starting at the chapel) to the Lennoxville office of Marie-Claude Bibeau, Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, and from there to the Royal Bank of Canada, which is a major contributor to fossil fuel bank loans.  There will also be speakers.

The COP26 world solidarity climate justice protest aims to put national ‘leaders’ on notice: step up to authentic climate action, or step aside. Deeds, not words.

March with us.

Join the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice!

On 5 November 2021, as world leaders meet in Glasgow for the COP26 Global Climate Summit, towns and cities across the world will take to the streets demanding global climate justice.

We are living through a period of multiple breaking points - from climate to covid to racism. We know that these crises not only overlap, but share the same cause. 
While no one can escape the impacts of these crises, those who have done least to cause them suffer the most. Across the world, the poorest people and communities of colour are too often those bearing the brunt of the climate crisis. From coastal villages in Norfolk whose sea-defences are eroding faster than ever, to people living by the Niger Delta rivers blackened by oil spillage. 

The Era of Injustice is Over: Our Time is Now

Justice won’t be handed to us by world leaders or delivered by corporations. So far, governments have done too little too late: colluding with corporations and hiding behind green washed ‘solutions’ that actually don’t exist yet, that don’t address the scale of the problem, and in many cases rely on more exploitation of people and the planet.

The transformative solutions that we need to survive and build a more just and fair world can only be brought about through collective action, solidarity and coordination, from our local communities and international levels. We are bringing together movements from across the world to build power for system change - indigenous movements, frontline communities, trade unions, racial justice groups, youth strikers, landworkers, peasants, NGOs, grassroots community campaigns, feminist movements, faith groups.

Wherever you are in the world, now is the time to join the fight for climate justice. We need all hands on deck: in workplaces, communities, schools, hospitals and across national borders.

5 November: Join us one of the actions being organised across the world or organise your own so that we can be loud and clear to the world leaders discussing our future: we want climate justice now!

COP26: Why does it matter?

World leaders and experts will meet in Glasgow in November at the global climate talks, COP26. The decisions made at COP26 will shape how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. They will decide who is to be sacrificed, who will escape and who will make a profit. COP26 is happening at a crucial moment in history. Across the world and across movements, we are seeing a new wave of resistance, global solidarity and grassroots organising. We have a unique opportunity to rewire our system as we recover from the pandemic. We can either intensify the crisis to the point of no return, or lay the foundations for a just world where everyone’s needs are met.

No More Cooking The Books: No To Fossil Fuels, Net-zero And False Solutions!
  • Fight For 1.5
  • We Need Real Zero, Not Net Zero
  • Keep It In The Ground: No New Fossil Fuel Investments Or Infrastructure
  • Reject False Solutions: No To Carbon Markets And Risky And Unproven Technologies
Rewire The System: Start The Justice Transition Now!
  • Start The Justice Transition
Global Climate Justice: Reparations And Redistribution To The Global South!
  • Fair share of effort from all rich countries
  • Cancel the debts of Global South by all creditors
  • Grant-based climate finance for the Global South
  • Reparations for the loss and damage already happening in the Global South

Find out more about our movement and message:

Join us for the People’s Summit: 7-10th Nov: