Showing Up for Standing Rock

Start: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 5:00 PM

End: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 6:00 PM

The movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing stronger by the day, and it’s time for all of us to rise up and play a role in this fight.

Join us on Tuesday, November 15 for a solidarity action and rally at the Army Corps of Engineers office at [[LOCATION]] at [[TIME]] calling on them to revoke the permits for this dirty oil pipeline.

The Army Corps fast-tracked the Dakota Access Pipeline without proper consultation, and as a result, bulldozers are approaching Standing Rock as we speak. But with coordinated, massive demonstrations across the country, we’ll make it clear that this powerful movement will not allow the Obama administration or the incoming President to sacrifice Indigenous rights, our water, or our climate - they must reject this pipeline.

This day of action is one of many calls for solidarity actions targeting not only the Army Corps, but stakeholders at every level -- including the banks who are funding Dakota Access and the companies building the project.

Let us know you're coming -- sign up on this page to receive action updates.

Please bring art and banners -- and be sure to share on social media with #NoDAPL. Some sample messages for art include:

  • People over Pipelines

  • #NoDAPL

  • In Solidarity with Standing Rock

  • Obama: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline