SIGN UP TO HELP in Newick!

Start: Thursday, May 04, 202310:00 AM

Charlotte Keenan
SIGN UP to help using form on this page.
There are lots of ways to help. You can deliver our newsletters locally or talk to your friends and neighbours.
If you would like to help deliver just let us know.
We check the sign up's before every event and will be in touch with you to introduce ourselves, let you know where we are meeting and what time, and answer any questions you might have. We really look forward to seeing you this weekend!

I would like to help you by delivering some leaflets
Sat 11 Mar
Sun 2 Apr
Sun 23 Apr
Sat 29 Apr

(For a full list of Action Days across Lewes District click here)

2023 is a huge year for Greens in Lewes District. This is our chance to help get the first Green District councillor elected here in Newick, local mum Charlotte Keenan. We need your help to make it happen though!

Local Greens have been working hard and spoke to thousands of residents last year.
The good news is, in the last two local elections we have made big gains and when we talk to people - they are excited to hear that they can vote Green in May. We just need to get the word out to everyone that Greens Can Win here. While our wonderful green volunteers are doing all they can, we simply don't have enough hours to speak to every resident on our own. If you can lend a hand knocking on doors with us or freeing up one of our doorknockers by delivering their leaflet round - please do join us for an action day before May 4th.

Lunch, training, support, friendly greens to meet and lifts are all available! Feel free to bring a friend or family member along - they don't have to be a member to join in and every pair of hands makes a huge difference.

THANK YOU! Together we can win big this May - we really hope to see you soon.

P.S. Remember to RSVP so we can get in touch to let you know more.