Women's March on Mount Vernon

Start: Saturday, January 21, 2017 2:00 PM

End: Saturday, January 21, 2017 4:00 PM


Since this event has grown larger than we could have hoped we have revised our marching plan slightly. Instead of all of us standing at the intersection by the Co-Op we will be also lining the sides of the streets on the SIDEWALKS ONLY, one person deep, to allow for access to the businesses. We will follow the rules below as we are trying to stay safe and create a positive feeling from our efforts. We are cou...nting on each person to follow the guidelines.

We will have safety coaches throughout the crowd to ensure a good experience but if you see a problem help solve it.

Thank you in advance and see you tomorrow!!!

March on Mount Vernon: Our vision and requests:

• line both sides of 1st Street from the intersection next to the Skagit Valley Co Op and Tri Dees on the north end of town south to the Lincoln Theatre/ Kinkaid St. - depending on our numbers.
• stand one person deep with ample breaks for people to enter businesses and pedestrians to pass safely.
• not stand in the street and only cross at cross walks. Periodically we can have people cross at the north and south end and everyone can move down. That can symbolize changing our perspective. Think of it as a long circle of support. Network & meet others.
• only engage in positive greetings and interactions.
• have coaches stationed at each intersection and listen to their guidance.
• stay in our emotional space. Walk away from a debate. Agree to talk another day or place.
• if agitated, leave and take care of ourselves.
• feel free to visit businesses during the two hours if we purchase items. There are no public restrooms.
• use care with umbrellas. Children stay with an adult. No bicycles or skate boards please. Minimal phone use, if possible. We need everyone to be in the moment and aware of their surroundings.

We have pledged our faith in you. Questions or concerns? Please talk to one of the coaches immediately. Let’s leave our town tidy too.  Have Fun. Laugh, Smile and Show our Unity.

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Port Townsend, Washington
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